Things go wrong, and when those things happen to be your LCD monitor you need to know a little about LCD monitor repair. So what do you do when you wake up one morning and boot up your laptop and find that your laptop's screen is, well, simply not working too well.
If you're like most people you rush it over to the repair shop, only to be very dismayed at the prices the technicians there quote you for repairs. And if you're like most people, you end up paying those prices or doing without your laptop until you can afford to repair it. Fortunately, however, there's a third option, and it's called repairing your laptop yourself. Of course you need some simple do-it-yourself skills, like the ability to use a soldering iron. And let's face it, that's something just about anyone can do if they set their mind to it.
Now, in the course of this article we'll discuss just how you can go about LCD monitor repair. If your laptop is on but the screen still remains dark or flickers or malfunctions in any way, you need to check that the screen is receiving power before anything else. The screen is powered by an inverter circuit and a video card, and a fault in either of these can cause a problem with how your screen functions. There is also a cold cathode bulb in the inverter that actually provides illumination to the screen, and this can be burnt out as well.
Check the bulb before you do anything else. If it's burnt out, replace it. Please be careful when you lift the built-in shield off the bulb, because poisonous mercury vapors can collect under it. Make sure you work in a well-ventilated area. If the bulb is fine, examine the inverter circuit and the video card. What you're looking for is blown capacitors.
These should be pretty easy to spot - a capacitor that's working well has a top that's perfectly flat, but a capacitor that's 'blown its top,' so to speak, has a top that's rounded, bulged upward with pressure. If you spot any of these blown capacitors, you know where the fault lies.
Remove the faulty capacitors from the board, and replace them with new capacitors that you can source from any electronics store. That's it. Voila - your laptop's LCD should be working again, and this shows just how easy LCD monitor repair can be.